Activate your sense of Purpose.

Hey there,

Have you ever found yourself pouring heart and soul into something for years, only to feel like you’re running in place, not getting any closer to what you really want? Yeah, me too. It’s like, despite all the hard work, you question if you’ve somehow lost your way or your sense of purpose along the journey.

This cycle feels all too familiar to me. More times than I care to admit, I’ve found myself knee-deep in self-help books and listening to guru after guru, desperate for that aha moment that would reveal my true purpose.

What am I missing?

The Objectification of Purpose

But then, it hit me. I was treating purpose like a destination or a possession. My sense of worth and direction was all tangled up in how things were going — be it in love, my career, finances, or heck, even my weight.

And whenever things weren’t going well, I felt adrift, like I’d lost my purpose. But here’s the thing — purpose isn’t the goal or achievement itself. It’s the feeling, the energy that comes from engaging in life outside of those achievements.

I was objectifying the idea of purpose.

Purpose as a Byproduct of Routine

Think about it this way: You feel hungry at the end of a long day because you didn’t eat. If eating was your “purpose,” not eating would leave you feeling hungry and lost. So, really, it’s about establishing routines that feed your soul.

Don’t underestimate the power of routine. Missing out on routines that nurture your health, relationships, and spiritual well-being? That’s likely when you’ll start feeling unanchored.

Interruptions and Flow

You already made up your mind.

How have you conditioned your mind to condition things?

What are the “only ifs” you’ve decided?

We often create our own barriers, interrupting our flow, others’ flow, and even the universe’s flow of daily gifts to us. It’s these self-imposed interruptions that prevent us from experiencing life’s energy without disruption.

Some Food for Thought

  • Who are you beyond your daily grind?

  • Where does your sense of purpose stem from?

  • On whom does your happiness depend?

The Power of Routine

A solid routine isn’t just comforting; it’s a catalyst for fulfillment and purpose. Consistency is key

Focusing on what’s larger than ourselves — be it through service, creativity, or love — fuels our sense of purpose.

Yet, we often shy away from truly embracing our feelings, both good and bad. Instead of confronting them, we might find ourselves escaping into the gossip and scandals of other people’s lives, TV, fantasizing about what could be, or burying ourselves in work, avoiding real connections. Getting lost in our jobs, avoiding the people we love. Instead of fighting for the life we dream of having.

Embracing the Big Feelings

It’s easy to think we’re flawed when overwhelmed by intense emotions. But these feelings, even the daunting ones, are energy that could propel us forward if we don’t let distractions lead us astray.

We can misinterpret our emotions, assuming something is wrong. And the “Big feelings” are trauma from the past, our childhood, our inner child, and a monster we despise. Instead of using the energy for positive, it’s wasted energy. Rather than using the momentum, we find purpose in wallowing and therapy and keep going on healing retreats instead of calling it quits and committing to a solid routine.

Don’t stop going to therapy. That’s not what I’m saying.

What I mean is don’t let the struggle distract you. Keep moving forward. Use your energy and purpose to focus on something that matters > your future.

Routine harnesses this energy. Emotions, as messy as they can be when channeled through a structured routine, can drive us toward our aspirations like a child finding safety when an adult creates structure and healthy discipline.

Love and Self-Compassion

Do not objectify love; fall in love yourself.

So what about love? It’s not something to be acquired or an ideal to be met. It’s about falling in love with the journey, with ourselves, and embracing the flow of life.

Remember, your purpose isn’t an object to be attained — it’s a sensation to be experienced, nurtured by the routines we establish and the commitment to living fully, even amidst the chaos. Keep moving, keep feeling, and above all, keep being you.

Sending you all the strength to build your routines and find your flow.